Tag Archives: #Thinking

The “Why The Fuck?” Manifesto

1: Why Do We Write?

We Write because writing is like the atom bomb, like a look at just the right moment or the right thing said at just the perfect moment, it is merely lines on a piece of paper

just letters on a screen but each word carries the power to change the world in ways unimagined.

What’s More Powerful: A Bullet Or A Word?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many pictures is a word worth? Words are the actors, props, lighting, directive, and the soundtrack to the theater of your mind,

and it only takes an instrument that can permanently mark a surface, said surface and the guts to forever mark it, for writing to begin, formal education and experience not required

2: Why Stories And Opinion Pieces?

Okay, Stories first: because narrative is primarily how we humans assimilate information, it’s how we come to understand the vast and truly overwhelm complexity of the world we live in.

Think of your earliest memory, what was the light frequency of the top you were wearing? What range were you speaking in?

okay, at least tell me the measurements of the left wall from the door in the room you were in, no? nothing?

notice how you can’t speak to any factual details pertaining to most of your memories? Have you ever listened to a friend, lover or family member tell a story about you and you just sat there thinking to yourself “there is no way in hell that could’ve been me“?

that’s because our minds don’t care much about individual details and facts, it’s only concerned with how those details and facts tied to the main point, how they flow from and into one another i.e. the story

it’s how our brains have stored information for eons, from 5-year-old’s to tech genius, across races, languages, religions, across time itself, the story, that’s how our deeper mind listen and remember, so that is the language we speak

Now opinion pieces, even as you were reading the last paragraph, what were you thinking, feeling? Did you agree, disagree, agree with some but not with others? Ever asked yourself why that is?!

That is because your mind is constantly orientating you with the world around you, but at the same time it also protects you from any information that might make you think less of yourself (the psychological immune system, essentially) and that is how you start crafting opinions about things you nearly have no facts about or correct perspectives on, and that’s okay, as they say, “opinions are like farts, everyone has them”, or in science it is said “every discovery begins with a hypothesis” i.e. an opinion

now what gives us the balls to put our’s out there?! it is because shared opinion nearly always ignites dialogue, discussion, and the reason why us humans reign supreme above all other species

our ability to collaborate and bond on levels unheard of in other species, so we see knowledge as a puzzle and almost everyone has a piece in the form of statistics, references, questions, critics, ridicule, facts, studies, experience, etc, and the dialogue ignited by an opinion has almost always been what begins that discussion, that discussion that puts the puzzle together

3: What Story Do We Seek To Tell And What Is Our Opinion?

The Story we seek to tell is that you already are whole, that your happiness, sadness, confidence, insecurities, shame, fears, anxieties, fantasies, desires, joys are uniquely a part of you but you have allowed society, mass media, your friends, family, colleagues, lovers, strangers, so-called guru’s tell you which parts of you are right and which are wrong in almost no uncertain terms, but they are wrong. Now we know you have desires, goals, dreams, that you leave under the pillow when you go to work/school or just go out and that they always come back to you when the noise dies down when the distractions just aren’t loud enough, bright enough or confusing enough to trick your amygdala into giving it your undivided attention, leaving none for your desires

But that is only the beginning of your story, and for the longest time you’ve thought that you need to get that perfect first before you begin your journey but what movie, real-life story, series, biography or even cartoon have you ever seen, read or heard of that has a perfect beginning?! The truth is that you have everything you need in you right now, it’s scaringly simple, you already are and have everything you need to move into the next chapter of your life, your story, absolutely everything! Your fear, your shame, your insecurities, all those parts of you you’ve been working so hard and so long to hide, to minimize, to eliminate, have a purpose

Once you start using everything in you, about you, and around you to work for you and not against you, when you actually start letting all these things push you instead of standing in front of you, you begin to move into the next chapter of your story, the part of your movie that always gets scary but exciting, the true path to your greatness

And that is the story we’re seeking to tell, the one of pain, trauma, fear, anxiety, searching, discovering, learning, failing, making mistakes, growing, changing, becoming more… not because you’re inherently not enough, but because you want more, you want to become more, have more, see more, feel more, to truly live this life ’til the wheels fall off, and as the legendary wealth trainer Jim Rohn once said “to have more, you must become more

Now the opinion pieces are simply that, opinions, they’re made to push you, provoke you, make you laugh, cry, get angry, get sad, giddy, horny, irrational, they’re written to make you want to shout, scream, give thanks, give your thoughts and opinions, but not like with social media, no, these discussions are made to urge you to seek more, more knowledge, more wisdom

This is our journey, it is yours, it is the human race’s, black, white, young, old, African, American, all of us and this may simply be a very small step in truly creating mass change, mass growth, mass fulfillment of potential and life experience but it’ll be the largest small step mankind’s ever seen, the loudest whisper you’ve ever heard, it’ll be thee Manifesto

Thank you for taking the to read this

Please question us, challenge, speak your thoughts, ideas, perspectives, feelings, and we’ll listen, start the conversation, but most importantly, learn to listen, as the Dalai Lama once said “when you speak, you’re only repeating what you know but if you listen, you may learn something

Arigatou Gozaimasu

The Price Of Everything But The Value OF Nothing

Money is the lowest cost you can pay for anything on this planet because you can always retrieve it and the 10 bucks you have now is exactly the same as the 10 bucks you had yesterday and will have tomorrow, as Artists we trade on only two currencies; Time and Energy, we all have 24 hours a day, not a second more, not a second less, you cannot lend it or borrow, use it as you will, tomorrow you will wake up with a brand new set of 24 hours to spend. But if you have ever faced death then you understand the true value of time, if you ever ventured an idea, thought, relationship etc. for all of it to have been for nothing then you understand the true value of wasted energy


Fantasy is always better than reality, if we paid deep attention to everything we spent our time and energy on, it would become increasingly difficult to engage in frivolous things other, “enjoy your labor” king Solomon once said, to survive you must toil (work) and this work will consume about a third of your life, if you hate your labor, you will be miserable for over a third of your life, and unless the other two thirds are extremely pleasurable, the misery will inevitably spill over into the rest of your life, this is how you get happy kids but miserable adults

happy-kidsFear is the mind-killer” Frank Herbert, fear can lead your most basic instincts regardless of the dictation of logic, reasoning or facts, this is why some who knows how to stop a robber from killing his family can freeze and do nothing when an actual robber breaks into the house, and because of that fear we have come to realize what the determined price of something is but could care less about the actual value of it

nWe know the price of a piece of land but do we know the value of it?, we know the price of water but do we know the value of it?, this entire western world system we base our lives on is based on the pricing on things, which is based on the perceived value of things, say tomorrow the entire world runs out of electricity because there was no more oil, without electricity we could no longer sufficiently store food, all our institutions systems are run on electricity, which means all the mental patients and criminals (which we all were more than happy to forget about) would suddenly be free with all this anger, ideas and free time, a piece of land becomes absolutely useless to you if you can’t defend it

630470027Clean water would become extremely valuable seeing as it is a deep necessity for life, martial arts lessons cost less than most people’s cellphone and internet contracts but if the entire world’s electricity were to disappear, the ability defend yourself might cost an arm and a leg. The price of money is what the world bank determines it to be, but the true value of money is the value of the paper it is printed on, money in itself is worth nothing, it was merely a clever substitution for the bartering system

You learn mathematics, science, biology, engineering, music, marketing, information technology, medicine, security services (soldier, police officer and so forth) and all of this make sense as long as the system holds up, but unless you can use them in any situation, in any moment in time, they are practically useless, each of these arts have a practically application in any situation in this life but one would have to be intimately acquainted with the designs of its architecture in order to recognize these possible applications and one would only gain such designs if they had a deep desire to acquire them, we can define this desire as love


This is when loving what you do can mean the difference between life and death, only one power exists on this earth and that is knowledge, knowing, my knowing something you do not, gives me power over you, my usage of that power determines the direction of that power’s usage, study the water, being able to hunt or grow your own food, the value of a wise partner. Pricing is based on the results on someone else’s thinking and not your own, that person’s thinking is based on their motives, agendas, thoughts, feels, perspective and experiences, and if there is one thing that history teaches us, is that the results of one person’s thinking is not always for the good of humanity and mankind as a whole, or at least in manner that benefits us all, nothing else on this earth outside of these two things; time and energy, these are the only two currencies that matter and have matters since the beginning of time.

Just A Thought

Don’t forget to checkout Music Mechanics’ Own Joshua and Ken On iTunes





From The Music Mechanics Team

May The Sound Feed Your Soul

You Only Live Once So Think Twice

autoconocimiento-personal-y-emocionalAs far as technology as advanced, we are still unable to reverse or manipulate time, it still moves in only one direction and that is forwards, we still cannot slow it down, bend it, mold it, multiply it or even observe it from different angles, and based on the knowledge and facts available to us, you only live once, regardless of religious beliefs, there is no proof that indicate that once a person has ceased living they are born again, thus the saying “You Only Live Once, So Think Twice

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Think! It may be frowned upon but it is the one thing that is absolutely pivotal to the achieving of your goals and satisfying your desires, you only have one go at any moment, there is no repeat, delete and second chance, thinking is not illegal yet, you can think 15 million times about the same thing and you still will have broken no laws, furthermore, you can think 15 million times more if you’re still not satisfied

modern-thinking-man-todd-blaisdellThe average human brain has about 100 billion neurons continuously receiving and interpreting information from each and every last one of your senses, your subconscious mind capturing every single thing about your surroundings and your body, we do so many things on this earth without a second thought, at times without even a first thought, passively doing things like eating, drinking, one-night stands, going out, watching series and/or movie marathons, days, weeks, months and ultimately years going by while we merely go through the motions and emotions, not giving too much thought to anything because if in you’re in your late 30’s; you want to avoid stress by not thinking too much and if you’re in your 30’s and younger; you feel that you’re still too young so the main objective is to have fun, fuck the world into a new orgasm, living by the colourful truth “old enough to know but young enough to not care

images (40)Partly why Thomas Gray coined the phrase “Ignorance is Bliss“, because what you do not know cannot spoil your mood, at least not immediately, right? if you’re in a relationship and your partner cheats, does your not knowing about it change the effects the extra person has on the relationship? if you’ve got a virus or disorder, does your lack of awareness lessen the effect it has on you? I’ll give you another example, remember the class clown, the jock, the prettiest girl in your high school class? just ask around what are they’re doing now, a good number of them were ignorant of the fact that ignoring education only leads to a stupid adult, just find out how well they’re doing now!

40fe980d8c98c2fbe73101877ae9361ff5664676Emotion is a great motivation for getting stuff done, but intellect is required for their execution, you want to be who ever or whatever in this world and believe me, it is possible, your reasons are irrelevant to this fact, the only question is how, and for that to be clear, you require knowledge and wisdom, and there is no chip you just plug into your brain to upload knowledge and wisdom, learn to think, at first you will get headaches, you will get easily distracted from your original thought, you will feel fatigued, your brain as a muscle will have to shake the dust off and this will take you a minute, what helps this process is recording your thoughts, voice notes, on paper, on your mobile device, or video

aviso-servicio-autoconocimiento-3506615But once the engine to your dodge charger is fully operational, you will have the remote to a system which has created almost everything we’ve come to know as wonders of mankind, and trust me, next time you’re getting robbed, in a situation where having sex is at stake or your ability to utilise that engine could save someone’s life, that life being your own or not, this is the moment which will make the world of difference

a-a_man_thinkingThe beautifullest part about thought is  that nothing becomes impossible and very little passes your eye without notice, heartbreak, being broke, betrayal, indulgence in petty emotion, living your life in a loop become math problems to be solved not life and death matters, they will not become easy but they will become simple, from impossible to probable, and struggling to get things will become a thing of the past, in the end it comes down to two choices: would you download (6)rather know or not know? because knowledge is a burden, be certain of that, like knowing your partner is cheating on you, or that your friend’s partner is playing them, or that you will lose your job soon, or that your pastor loves the strip clubs, or that someone’s death is imminent or even that your idol is as human as your mom and dad, not everyone can handle the truth, furthermore, not everyone wants to handle the truth, which one are you?

Think! It’s Not illegal yet” Eddie Griffin

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& Don’t forget to checkout Music Mechanics’ Own Joshua and Ken On iTunes



From The Music Mechanics Team

Warm Regards